Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sokonuke Taisen Game (ARC)

I'll preface this by saying that I have no idea what "Sokonuke Taisen" means. In fact, I can't even remember how or why I found this game. All I know is that it's a feat of brilliance, and really deserves some more credit for being an awesomely bizarre Japanese arcade game.

Sokonuke Taisen features cute puffy rabbit things in their endless quest to destroy each other. It's a lot of fun to play with a friend, but it's still a trip even if you're playing against the computer. You have to not only battle against your foe, but also keep tabs on a comrade and make sure they're not about to kick the bucket. So in one stage, for example, you're trying to get an egg to drop on your opponent and crush them, but you also have to keep your rabbit buddy hoisted above a fire (he's attached to a rope and pulley system which gradually lowers during the match). Other stages involve things such as razor blades, buzz saws, and sledgehammers.

Other than that, the game basically defies description. The stages are based on difficulty, which ranges from Easy to Expert, and all feature hilarious death contraptions. The best part of the game is probably the graphics: typical brightly-colored anime fare, except the rabbits make all kinds of awesome (and adorable) facial expressions and poses. When you win, sometimes you'll inflate into a big macho muscle rabbit, and your opponent will turn around and smugly slap his ass when you're getting beat. Some things also happen for what seems to be no rhyme or reason, such as morphing into a four-headed bunnydragon that breathes different types of fire.

In sum, Sokonuke Taisen is the ultimate party game: it's fun to play with friends, it's addicting, and it's also unpredictably bizarre and hilarious. It makes absolutely no sense, but that's part of the charm, and you'll be humming the music long after you've played it.

...I'd write more, but my mind is numb from the sheer cuteness, and besides which, you really just have to play it for yourself. Sokonuke Taisen is best when experienced in all its insane Japanese glory.

Title screen. The bunny thing looks a lot more like a kitty there, but still cute.
The egg stage I was talking about. You have to jump up and hit the platform to nudge the egg along and off the end. Easier said than done, especially when you have to keep your partner from getting fried.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sokonuke Taisen Game =
Bottomless War Game