Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ristar (GEN)

Ristar is described by many as a little-known classic of the Genesis, and I have to agree that it's pretty obscure. Since I was strictly a Nintendo fan growing up, I didn't know much about Sega's franchises until I got older and was interested in expanding my horizons. I bought a Genesis a few years back, and as I was searching for the best games I could play that didn't start with "Sonic," Ristar was suggested. And when I found it for $3.99, I couldn't resist.

Turns out that buying Ristar is one of the best gaming decisions I've made, and certainly for my Genesis. Every last thing about it is absolutely enchanting; it's almost impossible to describe the sheer sense of wonder that it encapsulates. It might be somewhat of a Sonic clone, and those roots are obvious at times, but Ristar still stands by itself as an amazing game and work of art.

Basically, you're an adorable anthropomorphic star, and while you do have a spiffy pair of tennis shoes, they don't let you run really fast. Instead, you make grabby hands at everything as your main "attack." Grabbing enemies lets you headbutt them into submission, and you also use your hands to grab onto vines, tree branches, switches, and other things to propel yourself along through the levels, which are brilliantly designed. They're much like Sonic zones in that there are multiple paths you can take to reach the goal, but Ristar has a pleasantly slow pace that allows you to slow down and explore things more.

The graphics are definitely some of the best I've ever seen on the Genesis, which is understandable since Ristar was released at the end of its life. They're brightly colored, immensely detailed, and entirely charming pieces of the universe. The music really adds to the whimsical nature of the game as well, although it is reminiscent of Sonic soundtracks.

In short, Ristar is an incredible, high quality platformer that takes place in a very memorable world, and it deserves every bit of praise it gets. It's a shining example of what video games should always aspire to be.

Title screen with Ristar doing a very familiar finger wag.
A scene from the first level.
Evil kitty boss hurting Ristar.

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