Saturday, March 31, 2007

FIRST Robotics Competition

So today I went to the robotics competition in the Colonial Center, which was very cool. I'd never been to one before, and I actually picked the right time to go since today was when the finals were held. I didn't think I'd stay there long, but I ended up sticking around for nearly two hours! I walked in on the middle of the games, so I was a little lost as to what the actual rules and procedures were, but I was able to figure out that the robots were supposed to pick up the inner tubes and stick 'em on the rack for points.

Given how impressive all the machines were, it's hard to pick out just one to talk about. Some of them had really cool telescoping arms that could reach up incredibly high, while others were very good at maneuvering (and screwing other bots up). Others were very clumsy and almost sad, and while I laughed, I couldn't help but think that they'll eventually be taking over the world some day...

However, if I had to pick one robot to highlight, it'd have to be the pink R2D2 that was scooting around randomly in the hallways. Aside from the color, it appeared to be a very faithful replica, complete with R2's bizarre repertoire of sounds. Much kudos to whoever put it together!

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